Search Engine Optimization – So you have started your first blog may be on WordPress or maybe on free blog sites like blogger, you are expecting that your blog will rank on googles first page but maybe you are wrong, there is a very rare chance that your blog will rank naturally.
You will see on the Google search results that you have written the blog better and provided more knowledge than your competitors but still, it is not on Google’s first page.
I know guys that’s very irritating when you have done so much work on your blogs and still not getting the result, trust me I was on your position but when I started doing research about this then I found many things which I was not doing right, so I will tell you everything which I have learned so you don’t have to waste your time on that type of research.
So, guys, first of all, let me tell you why your competitors are ranking on the first page of google search, there can be many reasons for it like
- Maybe your competitors have created good number and quality of backlinks
- Maybe his/her content is really amazing
- OR they have some quality referring links to their website.
- And there ON/OFF page can be good
So today, I will tell you that what you should do after starting your blog to grow your website even more.
1. Connect website with Google Webmasters
I have seen many people complaining that their posts are showing in google search engine. So let me clear you that there is Google’s webmaster which is responsible for indexing your post in Google’s search engine.
In simple words, Google has its spiders and crawlers which come to our website whenever we update or post something in our website to crawl the data and index it on the Google search engine. This comes in SEO.
Google Webmaster is used for many things it mentions your mistake like if you have 404 pages or some other errors in your website whether it is with your pages, content, mobile usability or breadcrumbs it will give you information and it will also help you to fix the problems.
Google Webmaster also gives you information about your website ranking, keywords, backlinks, impressions, etc. if you started using this tool then you are not going to buy or use any other expensive tools. It shows you how many clicks and impressions are you getting on your post, it also shows you which of your keywords are ranking on the Google search engine.
So, I will definitely recommend you connect a webmaster to your website because it will solve your problem of not indexing on the search engine.
PS – there are more search engines that have their own spiders and bots but I only told you about Google Webmaster because most of us only use Google, and after using it you will know about others by yourself for sure.
2. Connect Google Analytics to your website
As I have told you the benefits of connecting Google webmasters to your website this Google Analytics is another tool from Google’s side.
This tool is really very helpful for those who want perfection in their SEO.
Let me explain to you the benefits of Google Analytics on your website, you can check the data of the audience, like from which country your greater number of people are visiting your website. So, if you are going to run any ads for your website you can find the best audience where you can target a greater number of people.
This is not the only thing that you can do in Google Analytics, you can also see the behavior of your audience or which device your viewers use the most.
You can check which pages and posts are more popular by checking the clicks on the post. You can create complete data before and after for example, you can check how your SEO activities (that I’m going to tell you in some time) are affecting your website’s ranking.
This Google Analytics is useful for everyone but mostly it is very important when you are going to run ads on Google because you have to know about the audience which you have to target and Google Analytics will help you in that case.
3. On-Page SEO tips
Always remember that it is very important to make your website very responsive and easy for crawlers because if Google crawlers will find your website easy to read and If you have well-managed On-page SEO then Google will always give you more preference than other websites that don’t have perfect SEO. So, I will tell you some On-page SEO techniques which can be good for bloggers and also by which you can do something to increase your website ranking.
Site maps are very useful and they can be very responsible for your website ranking. Sitemaps contain the URL of every page and post of your website, in simple words, it contains all the data in a single page which is only visible to search engines crawler so they can easily read all the data easily and index it on their search engines.
And as I said if crawlers will find your website easy to crawl and index then it will definitely give your website more preference.
So, If you want to check whether your website has XML sitemap or not, you can check it by putting (sitemap.xml) after your website URL for example-
And now the question is that what if you don’t have a sitemap and how you can create this sitemap page? So let me tell you that if you are using WordPress then there is a plugin called SEO Yoast you can install this plugin and this plugin will automatically make a sitemap for your website, and if you are a using blogger then you can go to and just enter your websites URL and click on start it will automatically crawl your website and make a Sitemaps page for your website.
(ii) Robots.txt
Robots.txt is another file in which we give some permission to crawlers of different Search engines.
Let me explain with you an example – just think if you are running an e-commerce website so it is just that different buyers will come to your website and if they will like something then they can also buy some products from your website, and they will also give you some of their important details like their credit, debit card details, internet banking details, their address and it is your responsibility to make your buyers feel safe and respect about their privacy.
Crawlers will definitely come to your website and they can also crawl that data which can break the privacy of customers like the details that I have told you above so in that case we create a Robots.txt file in which we give permissions to the crawler which page they have to crawl and which page they don’t have to crawl like payment pages of your websites.
If you want to check whether your website has a Robots.txt file or not you just have to type /robots.txt after your website URL like this –
How to add a robots.txt file
If you are using WordPress then it is very simple just install a plugin called SEO Yoast it will automatically create Robots.txt file then you can just edit the file by
- Choose SEO Yoast
- Go to tools
- Click on file editor
- There you go you can just allow and disallow whatever page you don’t want to get crawled
And if you are a free blog website user then these websites will automatically create a robots file for your website.
(iii) Responsive design

Do you know that as the new technology is coming in the market especially new mobile phones which are coming with new features every day and challenging computer market they are forcing people to shift towards mobile phone, a recent survey has come where the usage of mobile phones from 2012 to 2019 has been shown and it tells us that in 2012 of people using who are using internet on mobile phones was only 16% and now in 2019 the percentage of mobile users is increased to almost 54%.
You are definitely thinking that why I am telling you this because the Responsiveness of your website really matters to give your viewers and google all types of facilities. So it is very important for you to make your website mobile-friendly also and you can check whether your website is mobile responsive or not by visiting and just paste the URL of that page which you want to test.
If you find that your website is not mobile-friendly then you can try to change the theme which you are currently working on or sometimes it happens because of the text or picture size which you are using on a post so try to change them and if it still bothers you then just find some mobile-friendly free themes for you. And if you are working on blogger or any other free platform then don’t worry these platforms automatically make your blog Mobile friendly.
(iv) Website speed
As I have told you earlier that Google gives preference to those websites which provides value and good experience to users and Google. So, the speed of a website has to be fast because as you may have heard that the first impression is the last impression.
Let’s think that if someone has searched for your website and as he clicked on your web page and it took 30-40 seconds to load then the chances are, he will leave your website and maybe never come back. And if your website loads in 5-10 seconds then it will give the user a better experience and chances of his coming back to your website will automatically increase.
Fast Website, makes us think it’s safe, secure, and trustworthy. Most of us sometimes get slow internet because of some issue and it is really irritating this case is the same, in conclusion, you should have to check your website speed and it has to be more than 75 on both PC and mobile phones.
-How to increase the speed of your website
If your website is slow then there are many reasons behind it like heavy image size, your theme is inappropriate, internal coding problems. But you can do many things to clear these problems like if your images size or lots of cached data has been stored in your website which has no use then you can just install a plugin called Imagify by installing this plugin it will automatically optimize your website’s images and it will clear the cached data.
Or If you don’t know about AMP pages then let me explain to you that AMP is also a plugin by google itself most of the website owners use this plugin, it creates other same pages of your website which just used for content not for visual stuff that don’t matter so that your website loads faster than ever and trust me it makes a huge difference so just try to install and setup this plugin.
(v) Meta title and description

If you have ever written an article or blog for your or someone else’s website then you must have seen that first you have to write Title and Meta description for your blog but do you know that there is desired number of characters allowed for title and meta description, yes the right character limit of writing a title is 56 characters maximum and for meta description, it is 170 characters max.
There is a reason behind this I can give you an example- if you have search something on google then the search results show different websites and only the title and meta description is shown in the search results show it is like you have to make your title and description catchy so that people will click on your post but sometimes people forget the word limit and exceed it & because of this search engines don’t show the exceeding characters of your title and description.
This is one of the SEO techniques to provide quality everywhere so that more people can visit your website.
4.Blog article writing tips
So first of all, choose a topic in which you want to write an article and then go to google keyword planner and just choose some keywords for your article try to find keywords that are low in competition and have high monthly searches.
As I have told you above about SEO Yoast, this plugin is mainly used to tell you about SEO score of your article and it will guide you by telling you what to do and how to do to increase your SEO score
And if you are a free blog user or you want to do everything manually then you can just follow these points while writing a blog.
- Try to put your main keyword on the title of your blog
- Try to Put your all keywords in your meta description, but remember to write it in the word limit
- Repeat your main keyword 4-5 times in your article and for other keywords, you can repeat it for 3-4 times, remember to bold your keywords
- You can also use synonyms of your keywords
- While uploading any pics to your post remember to rename the pic according to your subtopic and always put alt text.
- Use Subheadings in your post it will increase the readability of your post.
- Add some outbound and inbound links to your post
These are some tips by which you can write SEO friendly article.
5.Off-page SEO
As I have shown you above the ON page techniques and maybe you have observed that in those activities we have only worked on our website, but in OFF page optimization we work on another website to increase authority, to get backlinks, to increase our traffic.
So I am going tell you some basic activities that will help your website, remember there are more in both ON & OFF page if you want to know about complete Search engine optimization then let me know in comments.
These are some off-page activities:-
- Search engine submission
- Directory submission
- Social bookmarking
- Image sharing
- Video sharing
- Blog posting
- Commenting
All of the above activities have only one aims to build backlinks – there are 2 types of backlinks (i) Do-follow backlinks (ii) no-follow backlinks
Do follow backlinks- These backlinks are very powerful if they are from high authority and low spam score websites. Whenever the website gives do-follow backlinks to another website, it is allowing crawlers to visit that particular website also and if that one website is popular then chances are their visitors and crawlers will also visit your website.
No follow backlinks- These backlinks are not for any use but we can’t make only do follow it can show us as spam in googles eyes so we have to maintain both DO and NO follow, If you are making 100 backlinks then you should make 25 no follow and 100 do-follow.
You can check whether the backlink is do-follow or no-follow, after submitting your link right-click on the link and go to inspect then you check thereafter your link there will be written whether It is do-follow or no-follow.
I prefer you to check the spam score of every before making backlinks. You can check spam score, DA (domain authority), etc by clicking here. Always prefer only 1% spam score sites.
Before doing any of these activities please create a new Email id which you will use for these activities.
1.Search engine submission
Just go to google and search for (search engine submissions site) there you will find the list of websites where you can do search engine submission. Open these websites and find for submit button they will ask you for your website URL and other details
These are some Search engine submission sites.
2.Directory submission
Directory submission is almost the same as you have seen in search engine submission. Just go to google and search for the list. Provide your main URL.
These are few websites where you can submit
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3.Social bookmarking
You can find social bookmarking sites by the same method, But in this activity, you have to submit every Post of your website which you want to rank.
These are few websites where you can submit
4.Image sharing
You have seen many websites where you can post your images Like Instagram, Reddit, Imgur, Tumblr these activities is very simple just find these websites which allow you to post images and while uploading your pics of your website related post to add the link of that post.
5.Video sharing
This is also very simple to do there are many platforms where you can submit your video if you have and Links of the post which is related to your video like YouTube which most of you have used, find this type of site and create backlinks.
6.Blog posting
This activity can give your website a very powerful backlinks. In this activity you have written a post to post it on other websites and when you will post those blogs then add some of your website’s links to that post so that you can get backlinks through those posts.
I have said that this can be very powerful because just think if your post got viral then how much traffic you will get through those links that you have put on the article.
You have seen many websites with so many articles and you can also comment there, this activity is the same just go to those websites and comment there but don’t forget to put your link there to get a backlink
For any question, you can comment down or Email us
Thank you