Top 10 Instagram Growth Tips For Travel Bloggers

Do you find it challenging to get your travel blog content seen and heard on Instagram? Trying to figure out why your total followers aren’t adding up as quickly as some of the other travel bloggers you follow? Growing an active and engaged following can be challenging, no matter what kind of content you post. But fear not because plenty of strategies have been proven to help boost growth on Instagram. In this blog post, we’ll cover 10 tips specifically tailored to increase engagement and boost the follower count for travel bloggers. From creating quality content to leveraging trends in the industry, we’ve got all the insider know-how right here for becoming an expert at Instagram growth!

  1. Identify Your Audience

Before you start creating content, it’s important to consider who your target audience is and what types of content they are likely to be interested in. Research the topics that people are already engaging with, or look into what other travel bloggers in the field are doing to get an idea of what types of content resonate best with viewers. You can also use Instagram analytics tools such as Hootsuite Insights or Iconosquare to track the performance of posts and gain more insight into which topics generate more engagement.

  1. Quality Over Quantity

Quality Over Quantity

It’s better to post less frequently but with higher quality photos, videos, and captions that will draw attention from viewers. Make sure that all posts have a specific purpose and a clear message behind them – this will help followers better understand why they should follow along with your journey! Also, consider if any editing needs to be done to make your photos stand out from the rest – this could range from contrast adjustments, saturation changes, cropping, and more!

  1. Purchase Instagram Likes

A great way to draw attention to your posts and give them a boost is to buy Instagram likes. Influencers, brands, and businesses often use this strategy – however, it needs to be done in moderation so that followers don’t get suspicious of the sudden increase in engagement. Ensure that you purchase 100% organic likes and interactions from real people, and double-check the disclaimer provided by the service you purchase these likes from. Buying organic Instagram likes can give your profile the much-needed boost in your initial days as you prepare to rule over Instagram in the coming years.

  1. Interact With Other Accounts

Interact With Other Accounts

Engaging with other travel bloggers and influencers in the industry is one of the best ways to grow your reach on Instagram. Like their photos, comment on their posts, share their stories – anything that shows them some appreciation and gets you noticed! It’s also important not to just focus on those with large followings; you should be interacting with smaller accounts, too, since they could become more prominent influencers if they take off.

  1. Host Giveaways

Giveaways can be a fun way to reward current followers while also attracting new ones. Consider creating competitions or challenges related to traveling and offering prizes for the winners – this could include anything from free hotel stays in exotic locations to tickets to popular tourist attractions! Make sure you let everyone know which hashtags they should use when submitting their entries so that your account gets more visibility. Don’t forget to also take advantage of user-generated content (UGC), like reposting fan photos or featuring customers who have used your services or bought travel-related products.

  1. Use Relevant Hashtags

Use Relevant Hashtags

Hashtags are an essential tool for growing an Instagram following. They help categorize images and make them searchable for potential followers who may not already know about you or be familiar with the topics you post about. Be sure to research what hashtags are currently trending within the travel sphere so that you can include popular ones in each post, as well as create unique hashtags specific to your account and niche interests.

  1. Utilize Social Media Advertising

Social media ads offer a great way to target potential followers who would be most interested in what you have to offer as a travel blogger. You can use various tools such as Ads Manager on Facebook or Promoted Posts on Twitter to run campaigns targeting specific demographics or locations related to the travel industry – this way, you’re sure that only people actually interested in what you’re creating are seeing your content!

  1. Leverage Trends

Leverage Trends

Keeping up with current trends and events related to travel gives you ample opportunity to create unique content that resonates with viewers and keeps them coming back for more! Try collaborating with brands or companies offering discounts for flight tickets, hotels, etc., commentating on newsworthy stories related to traveling around the world, or simply promoting seasonal activities like winter sports getaways – these kinds of things help give viewers fresh ideas while also providing valuable information about places they might want visit themselves. Some examples include partnering with destination marketing organizations (DMOs), offering discounts on flights into local airports, or running contests showcasing remote off-the-beaten-path spots around the globe. All of these strategies can help increase engagement levels while simultaneously introducing new audiences into your fold!

  1. Capitalize On Influencer Marketing

Influencers have become an important part of the Instagram landscape, and partnering with them as a travel blogger can be extremely beneficial for your growth strategy. A successful collaboration between you and other influencers in the field will help to boost your own profile while simultaneously increasing their reach as well! Look into identifying potential influencers who share similar interests or target audiences, then reach out to them with ideas for collaborations that could feature both of you on social media platforms together.

  1. Make Use Of Stories

Make Use Of Stories

Stories are another great way to engage with followers and showcase content in a more personal way than what’s usually seen on feed posts. They give viewers an insider look at what it’s like to be a travel blogger and offer mini-documentaries of your experiences on the road. Share stories about local events or attractions you find interesting, feature behind-the-scenes glimpses into places you visit, and document moments that are special to your journey. Doing this can help people have an emotional connection with your content, creating more loyalty from followers over time!


Instagram is an incredible platform for travel bloggers to showcase their experiences and engage with potential followers. With the right strategies in place, you can increase your reach, boost your follower count, and build relationships that will last long after the journey has ended! By utilizing tactics such as leveraging trends, using stories, buying Instagram likes, and partnering with influencers in the space, you can create powerful content that resonates with viewers and helps grow your presence on social media. So what are you waiting for? It’s time to jumpstart your travel blog growth today!

Ritik Sharma is a skilled WordPress developer and social media expert, who provides guidance on building and optimizing websites. His expertise in WordPress allows him to create dynamic and user-friendly platforms. With a fondness for anime and Hollywood movies, Ritik's diverse interests bring a unique perspective to his writing.